BarthHaas GmbH & Co. KG, the world's largest supplier of hop products and services, is facing a change in management. Stephan Barth, who has been managing the company as one of the managing partners since 1992, announced to step down from operational responsibility a little earlier than planned and will leave the executive management board of the BarthHaas Group as of July 31, 2021.
The 60-year-old was seriously ill with Covid-19 in the spring of this year and has not yet fully recovered. "I will get well again, but during my illness I came to the conclusion that I was speeding up a process that would have taken place in the next few years anyway," he was quoted in a press statement.
So far, Stephan Barth has managed the BarthHaas Group together with his brother Alexander Barth (57) and his cousin Regine Barth (50).
In future, Regine Barth will be responsible for the European and Asian markets and will be the first woman in the company's 227-year history to assume the role of the sole managing director of BarthHaas GmbH & Co. KG (formerly Joh. Barth & Sohn GmbH & Co. KG). She will be assisted by the other members of the management board.
BarthHaas GmbH & CO. KG is looking for a replacement for Stephan Barth in order to maintain the dual leadership in the management. Alexander Barth continues to head the American sister company John I. Haas, Washington D.C.
Stephan Barth will move up to a supervisory board which will be established in the 2021/22 financial year. In addition to the legally prescribed supervisory and control function, the new supervisory board will also provide the company with advice. The members will initially be Stephan Barth, Alexander Barth and two external supervisory board members.
“In my new role on the supervisory board, I will be able to contribute strategically and visionary in the future, act as a brand ambassador - as before, but without the operational responsibility,” Stephan Barth explains the plans. He also wants to introduce the next generation to the management of the family business. His children, as well as those of his brother and cousin, are still too young today to take on leadership roles in the near future.