USA: Amazon Go sells beer and wine

Amazon Go, the new convenience store concept by online shopping giant Amazon, will also sell beer and wine. The experimental convenience store on the ground floor of one of Amazon’s new office towers in Seattle/Washington, that is set to open to the public within the next weeks, has applied for a liquor license.

This comes to a surprise since the new store has no lines and no cashiers. The shopper has to scan an app on his mobile phone on the way in, grabs all purchases and walks out without being checked by personnel.  A combination of sensors, computer vision and deep-learning algorithms identify all goods which are paid for electronically via the Amazon account of the client.

But selling alcoholic beverages like beer and wine requires human intervention for checking identification, which seems to go against the streamlined approach of Amazon Go. Obviously the Amazon officials have realized that beer and wine is essential for stores selling foods, snacks, beverages and other convenience groceries.

The experimental store has supermarket size but later stores with a convenience store concept will have a bigger layout with about 10,000 to 40,000 square feet (roughly 1,000-4,000 square meters). Despite stocking as many as 4,000 items Amazon plans to run the stores with not more than three employees at a time or 10 workers per location during any given shift.

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