Anheuser-Busch, the country’s leading brewer, today announced a national campaign with the White House to help President Joe Biden encouraging as many Americans as possible to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
When the nation reaches the White House’s goal of 70% of adults partially vaccinated by July 4th, Anheuser-Busch will offer a free beer, seltzer, non-alcoholic beverage or other A-B product – inclusive of over 100 brands – to enjoy with family and friends. Adults 21+ will simply upload a picture of themselves in their favorite place to grab a beer, whether with friends at their favorite local bar and restaurant or with family in their very own backyard to receive a beer on A-B.
President Biden, who does not consume alcohol at all, lauded the announcement by Anheuser-Busch during a speech on Wednesday. "That's right: Get a shot, have a beer. We need everyone across the country to pull together to get us over the finish line," the President was cited by Reuters.
So far some 63% of Americans have received a COVID vaccine. According to many scientists, a vaccination rate of around 70% is sufficient to achieve what is known as herd immunity, in which the virus no longer spreads exponentially on its own. If the U.S. achieved this goal in time for Independence Day on July 4th, it would be a tremendous achievement not only for President Biden, but also for the entire American people.
“At Anheuser-Busch, we are committed to supporting the safe and strong recovery of our nation and being able to be together again at the places and with the people we have missed so much. This commitment includes encouraging Americans to get vaccinated, and we are excited to buy Americans 21+ a round of beer when we reach the White House goal,” said Michel Doukeris, CEO, Anheuser-Busch.
The announcement is part of Anheuser-Busch’s “Let’s Grab A Beer” initiative aimed at playing an active role in the country’s recovery, and is the biggest beer giveaway ever offered by the brewery in history.
“For us, everything begins and ends with people, and consumers are at the center of everything we do,” said Marcel Marcondes, CMO, Anheuser-Busch. “Since last March, we’ve been focused on pivoting all our plans in order to ensure that our brands remained relevant and meaningful, through tangible actions. And now that we are at this pivotal moment where people are excited to be together again, it only makes sense that we would unite our full portfolio and take this action to encourage people to get vaccinated. There’s never been a better time to be able to say, ‘let’s grab a beer.’”
In April, Boston Beer Company maker of the famous Samuel Adams brand already offered a free beer to the first 10,000 Americans to prove that they have had a vaccine against Covid-19. People had to share a picture of their vaccine card or sticker to Instagram or Twitter or send a photo directly to the company via email before they received a USD 7 via Cash App to cover the cost of a Sam Adams beer of their choice from a local hospitality venue.