Effective as of 1 September 2018, Dr. Jörg Lehmann (49), Chief Technology Officer of Paulaner Brauerei Gruppe, will also become Chairman of the Management Board of the leading brewing group in the south of Germany. Paulaner Brauerei Gruppe, in which Heineken holds a minority interest, is the beverage division of the German Schörghuber Group. Lehmann became Paulaner’s CTO in February when his predecessor Dr. Stefan Lustig had to leave the company. (inside.beer, 8.2.2018) Lustig co-designed Paulaner’s new brewery in Munich's Langwied district and was responsible for the new project, which caused a lot of problems at its start in 2015.
Two and a half months after Lustig was fired also the CEO of Paulaner, Roland Tobias, had to go, At this time, Lehmann was assigned the role as an interim spokesman of the management board (inside.beer, 26.4.2018) and he became also responsible for the important export department of Paulaner which accounts for over 1 million hl.
Lehmann is not new to the Bavarian capital. He served six years as Managing Director of ABInBev’s Munich based subsidiary Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu and as CTO of Löwenbräu. In 2016, Lehmann changed from Munich to Kulmbach in the north of Bavaria where he was assigned the role of CTO of Kulmbacher Brauerei. The brewing unit belongs to Paulaner Brauereigruppe and sold last year 3.14 million hl, had a turnover of 220 million Euros and employed 916 people.
In comparison, in his new role as CEO of Paulaner, Lehmann is responsible for sales of 650,2 million Euros (in 2017, up from 628.2 million Euros one year before).
In June last year, Lehmann was elected president of the German Brewers Association (DBB) (inside.beer, 30.6.2017). In addition, he is heading since 2012 the alumni organization of the famous Weihenstephan Brewing University, VEW (Verband ehemaliger Weihenstephaner der Brauerabteilung).